Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Madura are Involved in the International Community Service Program (English Version)

Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Madura are Involved in the International Community Service Program (English Version)

Berita Kegiatan Kerja Sama

SUMENEP, uim.ac.id – Lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Madura (UIM) are involved in the International Community Service (PKM) program in collaboration with University College Bestari, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Gaziantep University Turkey, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura (UTM), and Universitas Wiraraja (Unija) Sumenep.

This activity, which took place at the De Baghraf Hotel Sumenep, was held for two days from Monday (5/8/2024) to Tuesday (6/8/2024) involving national and international speakers or experts.

This activity was filled with Focus Group Discussions (FGD) between experts and participants and implementation of service in the form of zakat accounting training for amil zakat institutions. The community service activity for zakat accounting training for amil zakat institutions begins with a pre-test related to the training material and then continues with a presentation of the material by panelists or experts. Two lecturers at the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Islam Madura, namely Ach. Baihaki and Evi Malia were also involved as panelists in the FGD.

It is known that the speaker at this event is Prof. Zahri Hamat from University College Bestari and Dr. Nurul Ilyana Muhd Adnan from University Kebangsaan Malaysia who explained in detail the best practices for zakat management in Malaysia, and the management of zakat potential in Malaysia. Then, the third speaker was Prof. M. Nizarul Alim from the Department of Accounting, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura who delivered material on zakat management in Indonesia.

This PKM activity lasts for 120 minutes consisting of 60 minutes of material presentation and discussion. After the discussion session ended, participants were guided by the host and committee to complete the post-test by scanning the QR Code provided. The enthusiasm of the participants was very high as seen from the flowing and interactive discussions.

The participants also hope that there will be further activities related to zakat accounting, through assistance from universities and related institutions as well as other programs or activities, such as equipping and assigning students to provide assistance at amil zakat institutions. (Ila) 

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